Elspeth Lorraine

Book Reviews

July 31, 2024

"Monti and Leo: A Newcomer in Pocketville" By Sylvie Kantorovitz

Just the other day I was lecturing a friend of mine about the delights of early chapter graphic novels. They are basically the best thing to happen since we as a nation stopped pretending frozen yogurt was good. Note to self: Did that actually happen? Or are there still misguided fools bumbling around eating frozen yogurt? Oh dear. I’m not even remotely on topic. To bring us back around, if you are friends with me you might be bored hearing about my niche interests but I will never offend you by serving up frozen yogurt. Wait, ok that’s not the point either. I’m going to start over. 

Early chapter graphic novels are an excellent tool for young readers, reluctant readers and readers who may or may not be grown women with ADHD. Monti and Leo is a terrific new series about a mole named Monti and a Lizard named Leo. Monti loves his routine life in Pocketville. He loves getting fresh treats from Mrs. Sheep at the bakery, new books from the library and sitting on his rock. One day a newcomer named Leo comes to town and shakes things up. He buys the last cinnamon roll at the bakery, checks out the latest book from the library and sits on Monti’s rock! Mrs. Sheep gossips about Leo newness and the town agrees that he is bad news. Monti is upset about Leo too until he talks to him and finds out he’s a sweet guy who likes to share. The two become good pals and Monti introduces him around. The two decide to put a talent show together but Mrs. Sheep’s gossiping about Leo becomes a problem. Monti has to learn to speak up for his new friend and the two have to show the town that “new” doesn’t mean “bad”. 

Bits and Pieces: The illustrations were created digitally and they are engaging and soft. I liked the animals' winter hats and Leo's cool backpack. 

Not Sure About: I did not like Mrs. Sheep’s hair at the talent show. I couldn’t tell you why exactly, but I took agin to it right away. A mild complaint to be sure. 

Favorite Part: I was transported to a walkable community where fresh cinnamon rolls, new books, and watching the creek drift by was the main event. Bliss.

P.S. There's a second Monti and Leo adventure coming out in February! Pre-Order HERE

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