Elspeth Lorraine

Book Reviews

September 27, 2024

"Bunny Should Be Sleeping" By Amy Hest Illustrated by Renata Liwska

Be still my heart! "Bunny Should Be Sleeping" is a sweet and soothing ode to nighttime rituals and the stillness of the time between times. 

Little Bunny should be sleeping. But he is waiting for his dad to come check on him. “Soon dad will come. He will come in the night to check on his little bunny. Come on, Dad! Check on me, check on me, check on me!” Bunny decides that he can wait no longer. He will check on Dad down the hall! Bunny packs all the essentials that a Dad could need on a winter’s night into his wagon. Water in a thermos, a cookie and a special favorite picture book. When he pulls his wagon into Dad’s room, Dad is still sleeping. So Bunny ends up enjoying all the things he packed while Dad sleeps. When Dad wakes up, he and little Bunny head back to bed to cuddle and end up falling asleep in Bunny’s moonlit bed. 

If you’ve followed my reviews for a while now you know I am not always the best fit for quiet picture books. I like rowdy, funny, and goofy books. But this book was so lovingly put together with the softest illustrations that made me feel like I was reading the Velveteen Rabbit. The text is just about perfect and would be a good addition to your nighttime reading. 

Bits and Pieces: The illustrations were made digitally and the color palette gave a clean but retro feeling. When Dad whispers “Sometimes a dad just needs his little bunny” I just about threw myself on the floor to have a good cry which is very unlike me because usually I am the sole of calm and never let my emotions muddy the book reviewing waters. It’s lovely to see a Dad as the main caregiver, few books do this really well. Dad was comforting and loving without being some sort of prankster or incompetent. My goddaughter Clementine had me read this to her many times, but she never shared her favorite part. So, I suppose her favorite part was all of it? 

Not Sure About: No notes. A gorgeous book. 

Favorite Part(s): 

  • Bunny pours water from a plant watering can into the thermos to give to Dad for his nighttime drink. SWOON. 
  • Dad looked so snug in his blanket I almost didn’t want Bunny to wake him. 
  • Bunny wears bunny slippers.

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